News in Aktion NEXT 2.1 and CLOUD

21. 04. 2016
The new version of Aktion.NEXT 2.1 was released on Assist@nt technical support server. The newest features include support for the new eXpander, a software attendance terminal, setting an executive supervisor, conditional attendance deadline, requests, demands and limitations in applications, and the newly-supported online wireless lock of SALTO SALLIS.


Supports eXpander and its mAPP controls

At address points, support for setting up another eSeries device - the eXpander integration module (named EX-1) is added. The eXpander is designed to extend the functionality of access systems by providing additional options in the field of alerting or controlling external devices (sensors, doors, gates, etc.).

„Software" attendance terminal

Thin WEB client Aktion.NEXT was added to the attendance terminal functionality. The terminal is the same as the mobile client with the operator's default settings. This feature is also available in the Aktion CLOUD version.

Setting an executive supervisor

A new feature allows you to set up a representative person while the manager is absent. A representative has the same rights to edit and close attendance data as the manager. 

Conditional attendance deadline

A new feature eliminating a possible supervisor´s error while deadline, that allows setting which time attendance warning parameters are important to the deadline.

Applications, claims and limitations in applications

The new feature allows the wage component to set the claim and limitation(holiday, home office, sick day, etc.).

Payroll help

In the wage folder configuration, a new "interactive help" feature is added. Customerised text can be added in the "Help" field.


pdf Podrobný přehled novinek ve verzi 2.1
pdf Návod pro nastavení zástupců vedoucích
pdf Návod pro nastavení nároků a žádostí
pdf Návod pro vytvoření nápovědy ke mzdovým složkám
pdf Návod pro vložení odkazů do Web klienta pro aplikace třetích stran
pdf Návod pro Aktion.Connector verze 3.1
pdf Návod pra nastavení Sallis