News in Aktion NEXT 2.2 and CLOUD

28. 11. 2016
The new version of Aktion.NEXT 2.2 has been released on eCare Technical Support Server, which includes a new tablet application, eSmartReader and tablet ID identification, offline fingerprint identification, and a new Alarm Monitor.


Tablet application

The application in connection with a tablet or smartphone acts as an attendance terminal where employees set individual interruptions of work hours similar to those on a regular terminal. A 6-digit Input Code or NFC card can be used to identify the worker.

Security imprint

Security fingerprints are used to authorize the person on the eSeries series readers in offline mode.

Input code identification

The new feature allows you to identify a person using a 6-digit input code. This is another type of person identifier that can be used with the eSmartReader and the tablet application.

Alarm monitor

The new Alarm Monitor tool is used to alert you to the event that has occurred and to force a user to acknowledge the alarm event. Conflict events, open doors, an invalid card can be confirmed. The types of events to be confirmed are configurable.


pdf Podrobný přehled novinek a oprav v Aktion.NEXT 2.2
pdf Popis novinek v Aktion.NEXT 2.2
pdf Návod pro Aktion.NEXT – tabletová aplikace
pdf Návod pro Aktion.CLOUD – tabletová aplikace
pdf Návod pro funkci bezpečnostní otisky
pdf Návod pro režim identifikace vstupním kódem
pdf Návod pro agendu Monitor alarmů