Watch out for Tool and Equipment Loans

You no longer have to write in paper notebooks what you have lent when and to whom. Switch to electronic asset registration, tools, keys, vehicles, phones, computers and anything else in your company. Just confirm with the reader's ID and you're done.

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Replace Excels and paper lists with online records

Simply attach a tag or sticker with an RFID chip to each item. Then you simply beep it on the reader and the loan is in the system.

Recording of loans and items using the Aktion system
You can sort items by groups in the Loan Register


Sort assets according to your own criteria

In Aktion, you can divide individual items into any group. For example, into keys, tools, vehicles, equipment or anything else. You can set different default loan times, reminders, notes and more for each category.


Aktion will keep an eye on loan repayment deadlines

Each loaned item is registered in the system and has a set end of loan period. When the end is approaching, the system automatically sends a notification to the person who borrowed the item.

Aktion monitors loan dates and automatically sends an email before the end of the loan
Aktion online time and attendance for small businesses, construction sites, delivery buses and other companies that just want to record arrivals and departures.

Free presentation and system design

We are trusted by companies in the Czech Republic and abroad

You can find the handy Aktion attendance and access control system in large companies and small family businesses across Europe.

Are you hesitating? Read references

See what else you can do with Aktion

Aktion is Czech Attendance a Access system that will free your hands.